Visiting Spain to view property
Creating a shortlist of Spanish properties
With the help of a good agent that helps you clarify your needs and conduct an initial search, you should be able to draw up a shortlist of properties that match your requirements before even coming to Spain. A good agent should provide you with considerable detail and pictures for each property. This will allow you to focus your energies on property that really interests you, rather than having to see a property in Spain that your agent wants to sell you for whatever reasons.
Once you have drawn up a shortlist that you are satisfied with it is time to visit Spain and see the properties for yourself. During your visit, there will always be the opportunity to refocus your search, or see properties that were not on the shortlist. However, it does help to have a shortlist and a plan before visiting Spain.
Visiting Spain to view property
Beware of the cheap inspection trip!
Many companies offer inspection trips at absurdly low prices. If you take one of these the chances are that you will be herded around in a large group with other buyers, visiting properties that it suits the agent to sell rather than you to buy, and all the while subjected to different forms of pressure selling.
Be prepared to return empty-handed. Better to try again later than to buy and live to regret it.
Don’t let yourself be manipulated by any agent whilst you are visiting Spain. They are there to help you, and the moment they let their own interests interfere with your decision they are letting you down. Your interests are paramount and it should be clear from the beginning that your agent understands this. Don’t think twice about walking away from an agency if you are not happy with the service.
Once in Spain, you will have a chance to visit the properties or developments that interest you. Be sure to take notes of the good and bad points of each property, and any other distinguishing features, so that you have access to all the relevant information when the time comes to make a decision. Bringing a digital camera with you is another good idea so that you can take photos of the properties and developments you visit. A good agent should also carry a digital camera in case you haven’t brought one.
Consider including time for leisure and fun in your visit. Viewing properties can be hard work and you will appreciate the opportunity to unwind whilst in the lovely surroundings of Spain. It is also a good way to get a feel for the place if you have not spent much time there before.
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